Three Thoughts about Finding Hope in 2022 While still in our twenties, a friend said to me, “I thought that one day I’d have all the answers and my problems would be solved.” This was also my belief. Life’s not a fairy tale where one day you get the girl, or the glass slipper fits and then ride off into eternal happiness. Instead, life’s full of ups, downs, curves and sometimes it’s messy. While grappling with my own ups and downs at the beginning of 2022, three realities about hope and hopelessness became clear to me. Do not fear, for I am with you. Do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, surely, I will help you Isaiah 41:10 (New American Standard Bible) It was the beginning of 2022. The changes since my move to a new area of Houston four years before were causing me to feel untethered and adrift with no understanding as to what to do. When prayer...
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