For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline.

2 Timothy 1:7 (New Living Translation)


Lisa’s Recipe for Success

            Several years ago, I had the privilege to meet a woman I will call Lisa. Though she worked full time at a demanding job and had a family, Lisa was also pursuing a college degree, and even with this heavy load, she always had a smile on her face. Lisa’s story is one of never giving up.

            Though a young teenaged mother from a poor home, eventually divorced and a high school dropout, Lisa continued to work for a better life. Everything didn’t fall in place quickly, but after accepting a job with the school district, she discovered her love for students. With words of reassurance and encouragement from some of the women in her church, this brave woman pursued a college degree. When asked how she did it all, Lisa gave me her recipe for success:

1.    When God gives us a job, He does not let us fail, but we have to apply ourselves.

2.    Because I have a family and a job, I had to reset my priorities in order to make the grade.

3.    When I feel burned out, I lay everything on the table and ask myself:

a.    What will be the consequences if I give up?

b.    I also have to look at the other side and discern if it is worth the sacrifice to accomplish the goal.

c.    Then I have to push myself and have a mindset to finish.

4.     I experienced anger that I had had so few advantages compared to others at work. After talking to the Lord, it became apparent that my life can be a testimony to others who are where I have been and who need to make changes.

5.    I keep remembering that my children’s’ lives are directly affected by what I do. Completing my goal is important because it presents a positive model for them.


Lisa finished her degree and the last time I saw her she was a part of a team leading a workshop for teachers.

Thought:  Before embarking on this educational journey, Lisa sought God’s path for her and during the process she continued to pray for help while using wisdom and discipline to accomplish her goal.


Prayer for the Reader

Oh Lord, help me to have the courage to step out into the plan You have for my life. Please block out those negative voices that seem to fill my mind. Help me to hear only Your voice, whether it’s someone else delivering Your message, an opportunity You have given me, or a special knowing that You are speaking to my heart. Fill me with discernment and wisdom as I seek the Your way.  Thank you, Lord, for loving me and for being willing to help me. In Jesus Name, Amen


 Defeat is not a given.

 It is a decision.

Victory is not an accident;

It is a plan



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