Brothers, I do not consider that I have made it on my own.

But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind

and straining forward to what lies ahead,

I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call

 of God in Christ Jesus.

Philippians 3:13-14 (English Standard Version)



It’s a New Day and a New Time, A Clean Slate

The Promise of Hope Lies Before Us,

So, Lose Those Chains and Be Set Free


            I have a fantasy that there should be a pair of glasses we could all don and see what keeps us from achieving our dreams. My suspicion is that if the normally unseen parts of our lives became visible, we would grasp the binding effect of negative memories and unmet expectations. 

            A person I will call Sue told me the following story: One day, early in my school years, I watched and listened with awe as a friend interacted with a teacher. Even at that young age, I realized my friend had an ability to communicate I didn’t have; therefore, she must be superior to me. 

            Some several months later, I overheard the last part of a conversation two teachers were having with same friend’s mom in which some type of comparison was being made. In my thinking a comparison could only mean that one was good and the other not so good. Since they were talking to her mom, I suspected that I didn’t fare so well.

            Those two experiences remained locked in my mind, all the while crying out, she’s a winner and you’re a loser. Many years later, while talking with the first teacher, something about my friend came up. I was utterly shocked when that teacher said, “Oh, yes, what was her name?” What was her name? I cried out in my thoughts. But don’t you remember, she was the star who would live out in your mind as the best of the best! I saw how she found favor in your sight, and now you’ve momentarily forgotten her name?

            That conversation helped me to realize that as a child I believed not having the same abilities as my friend was negative. I didn’t understand that all children do not develop in the identical way or on the same timeline, but that doesn’t negate one’s value.  Also, the comparisons were possibly a discussion on our different abilities but with no judgment.

            Sue is a reminder of how past experiences can affect us for years.

            Unrealistic expectations, walking another’s dream, and/or unforgiveness of past wrongs, or perceived wrongs are just a few of those crippling events that can keep us from living our best life.

            Thought:  One night as I took some treasured ear studs out of my ear, my hand flipped and the backing, the jacket, and the stud scattered. The jacket and backing were found immediately, but after searching, the stud seemed lost forever. Though the loss was sad, life got in the way and finding the elusive jewelry wasn’t happening. Sometimes later I decided that in the light of day maybe things would look different.  With the aid of sunlight and a flashlight, I searched, and there in the crevasse of a bed slat was a glint. Could it be the stud or is it just a piece of debris? With bated breath I loosened the article and pushed it forward. There was the beloved piece of jewelry.

            Maybe it’s time to search in the crevasses of your life for those hopes and dreams that were lost to the negative realities of the moment. Could this exercise lead to a new purpose in life?

            Reminder: Never fall into the trap of believing that you’re too old, or too _____ for a new lease on life.  After enduring several sad years of burying a wife, children, and friends, life for him was bleak, and he was ready to die. An obsession, though, began playing out in his heart to find an old friend. It was with joy that I listened as he regaled me with the story of reconnecting with this lost love, and though not so young, he now looks forward to the future with hope and joy. Remember, it’s not over until God says it’s over.

            Question: How can God possibly use your imperfect past and hard times to bring to reality those hopes and dreams you harbor?

            Confession: Since I was a teenager, I have dreamed of being a published author, and believe this ambition is of God. Years ago, I self-published a book and immediately became aware that my writing skills needed improvement.

            After studying on how to better express myself with the written word, I have finally completed a new book which now leaves me with the arduous task of finding an agent. This part of the writing process is tedious and filled with rejections. Oh, how I want to bypass seeking an agent and wait for some miraculous way to get the book published. It’s easy to think, but I just can’t do this.

So, the question remains, do I stop now? Leave the manuscript in the documents of my computer because getting an agent is too hard, and convince myself to walk away because we all know getting published is next to impossible. That would be the easiest—for the moment. The problem would be that pesky future when the unanswered question of: I wonder what would have happened if I’d pushed through, would forever haunt me.   

Do we move forward or live with what if?

            Today, I’m making a resolution that in 2021, I will do what I can, even though it’s hard and unpleasant, to get my book, Chasing A Family Secret on the market. I don’t want a what if constantly gnawing at my brain.

            Prayer: Oh Lord, help anyone reading this to have the courage to confront his/her binding chains, to toss them aside and seek those hopes and dreams you put on their hearts.—In Jesus name we make this prayer.

I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.

Philippians 4:13 (New American Standard Bible)


  1. Mary Frances - another inspiring message! God is using you to reach out to all of us with your encouraging thoughts.


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